Title: Persévérance scolaire et conciliation études-travail : une piste de solution à la pénurie de main-d’œuvre (School perseverance and work/school balance – a solution to the labour shortage)
Author: Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal and Réseau réussite Montréal, in partnership with the Regroupement des cégeps de Montréal
Publisher: Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal and Réseau réussite Montréal, in partnership with the Regroupement des cégeps de Montréal
Year: 2019
Format : PDF
This study paints a portrait of educational success, the dropout situation, and the labour market to highlight issues surrounding the graduation rates of young Quebecers and Montrealers as they relate to the current job market, in particular with respect to increasing numbers of positions requiring vocational training or a CEGEP or university education, and to labour shortages that facilitate access to jobs that require little or no qualification.
The report also presents an update on the costs of dropping out and closes with guidelines for encouraging young people to graduate and for training qualified workers in the coming years.
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